Monday, December 28, 2009

Coleman Research Group’s Technology, Media & Telecom department highlights Recycle yule into Christmas alt-fuel and DDoS attack hobbles sites

Coleman Research Group’s Technology, Media & Telecom Group facilitates consultations between our clients (institutional investors) and leading technology professionals on a wide variety of topics including semiconductors, data storage and security, computer hardware and software, satellite system operators, telecom equipment, cable and wireless providers, and advertising spending.

Our TMT network spans technology industries across the globe and includes CTOs, CIOs, marketing and business development executives, engineers, buyers, and resellers.


Recycle yule into Christmas alt-fuel

For all the joy of Christmas morning, there's certainly a lot of waste involved. Reams of wrapping paper, forests of evergreens and piles of unwanted fruitcakes are discarded after the holidays.

That got us thinking: Wouldn't it be great if some of that trash could be repurposed as fuel? Turns out it can.

We checked with Spencer Quong, an automotive engineer and alt-fuels expert with a sense of humor. He was with the Union of Concerned Scientists before launching his own consulting biz, Quong & Associates.


DDoS attack hobbles sites, including Amazon

An attack directed at the DNS provider for some of the Internet's larger e-commerce companies -- including Amazon, Wal-Mart, and Expedia -- took several Internet shopping sites offline Wednesday evening, two days before Christmas.

Neustar, the company that provides DNS services under the UltraDNS brand name, confirmed an attack took place Wednesday afternoon, taking out sites or rendering them extremely sluggish for about an hour. A representative who answered the customer support line said the attacks were directed against Neustar facilities in Palo Alto and San Jose, California, and Allen Goldberg, vice president of corporate communications for Neustar, confirmed that at about 4:45 p.m. PST, "our alarms went off."


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